WOW Furniture + Bedding

WOW Furniture + Bedding

Holy WOW!

Branding·Campaign Development·Print design·



WOW decided to launch their new brand into the highly competitive furniture and bedding retail sector. With nothing more than a name, they asked us to come up with the rest.

WOW Furniture + Bedding


With such a great name, we decided to build the excitement into the brand by adding an exclamation mark with a twist. The colours needed to reflect the exciting brand and product offerings.

WOW Furniture + Bedding
WOW Furniture + Bedding

Integrated campaign

We developed the branding, catalogue, banners ads and launch campaign.

WOW Furniture + Bedding
WOW Furniture + Bedding
WOW Furniture + Bedding
WOW Furniture + Bedding

The result

WOW is off to a great start with more store openings planned in 2017.

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Marketing, Advertising, Branding and Digital

Perth · Melbourne · Sydney

We create awesomeness fresh daily for clients of all shapes and sizes - including you! We love nothing more than to sink our teeth into some juicy branding, ad campaigns, videos, websites, apps and much more.

The Webby AwardsB&T Awards 2016CSS Design AwardsAwwwardsAustralian Web Awards 2016

Alright, time for a call to action

Let's make awesome together!

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