B1 Homes

Be One

3D Animation·3D Rendering·Brand Strategy·Campaign Development·Video and photography·Web design·Web development·



It was awesome to be given the opportunity to take B1 Homes brand and website to a whole new level.

B1 Homes


As B1 Homes is the first home buyer brand in the Scott Park Group, we decided to make the most of the brand name and play on the power of the word “BE”. We believe most renters would aspire to someday be home owners, so we motivate them to “BE ONE” by contacting B1.

B1 Homes

Creative Campaign

With our targets being gen-Y and gen-Z renters, we decided to mix 3D and live-action footage with the “BE ONE” call-to-action and an enticing offer,  inviting renters to get B1’s in getting into their own home.

Our “Be Sure”, “Be First”, “Be Tasty” and “Be Free” videos tell the story.

B1 Homes
B1 Homes


As part of the process, we completely redesigned the B1 Homes website with a mobile-first user experience that caters to our gen-Y & gen-Z target audience.

B1 Homes
B1 Homes
B1 Homes

Busy Bee

Live Healthy for Less

View case study

Human Sparks

De-risking digital transformations

View case study


Showroom to screen

View case study

Marketing, Advertising, Branding and Digital

Perth · Melbourne · Sydney

We create awesomeness fresh daily for clients of all shapes and sizes - including you! We love nothing more than to sink our teeth into some juicy branding, ad campaigns, videos, websites, apps and much more.

The Webby AwardsB&T Awards 2016CSS Design AwardsAwwwardsAustralian Web Awards 2016

Alright, time for a call to action

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